

The classrooms at EtonHouse Kazakhstan are very spacious and light; well-ventilated in summer, with the option of air conditioning; and heated in winter. There is good furniture in the classrooms which includes tables and chairs of a height suitable for the age group, book cases, bag shelves, white boards and black boards.

There classrooms are on the second and third floors, whereas on the ground floor there is a dance hall, sports hall,  music room and canteen. An art and technology room, library and computer room with a number of internet capable computers are on the 2nd floor. In addition there are two cloakrooms (boys’ and girls’) with a locker available for each child on the first floor.

The school office is visitor friendly. The facilities are well-maintained and regularly cleaned. The school has a security system to ensure the safety of all students.

This page was last edited on October 8, 2018